The Long Way Back

Hansi's World

Long and Winding Road by Paul McCartney

She holds it in with a smile on her face

as darkness pulls her down.

Emotions in a jumble

but she knows she must be strong.

Can’t let them see inside her

afraid they’ll think her weak.

So until she’s off and all alone

false bravado she must keep.

It wasn’t always like this

a life kept far apart.

She used to have a family

of which she was a part.

But life can take you places

taking others far away.

One moment she was happy   

then too quickly, it all changed.

Hopefully she’ll rebuild a life

that she can call her own.

But today she’ll wear

a mask of sorts

and call no place a home.


View original post 3 more words

Innocent Child / Childhood Poverty in America

inocent child...

Childhood Poverty In America

Ooh Child / The Five Stairsteps


Abraham, Martin and John, 3 versions of this great song, enjoy!

abraham martin john3 versions of this song this 1 is by Dion

This 1 by Whitney Houston

and last but not least Marvin Gaye



A friend from long ago… click on song below

Long ago as I would ride

through mountains and the glen

he would ride beside me

 keeping me company,

my old friend.

Through bad times and the good ones

he’d join me on the trail.

He must have sensed my loneliness

cause he’d show up,

just about then.

I’d see him in the distance

and his smile would soon ensue.

Though he never hugged or touched me

that he cared

I always knew.

His words were spoken softly

to each one, I listened well.

About his wild adventures,

such great stories he would tell.

But sadly, as the years went by

I’d see him less and less.

His absence brought me sadness

though I figured he knew best.

 Many years had passed on by,

 when in my mind he reappeared.

In a time of stress and darkness

his words, they reassured

and I found myself remembering

the lonely girl I used to be

and how much joy and pleasure

his company brought to me.

Then, the thought occurred,

that I was finished being alone.

For now, he had returned…

I must have called him home.

                                                 Hansi Riley 

This was about my old friend “the cowboy” in my other poem, I hope you enjoy them all

The Highwayman

riding on 2a